This weekend I did a nice thing for one of my friends. I went to a Fall Out Boy show with her. Why was this such a nice thing? Because I don't like Fall Out Boy, I don't know the words to one of their songs, other than the chorus of "Dance, Dance" and mostly just the part that actually says dance, dance. After that, I'm lost in the bad diction of the lead singer and trying to figure out what kind of music, exactly, these guys are making. I went along with her (mostly because I would also see +44) and was quite blown away by what I saw.
Not blown away in the good sense.
I've seen these guys perform on various television shows since they rocketed to stardom and I've always thought they were TERRIBLE live. The lead singer had terrible technique, and even at this show, was cracking throughout the song. He has trouble hitting some notes (write a song in a key that's comfortable for you, kids) and he has the stage precense of a rag doll. Seriously, could he be anymore boring?
But here's the reason I was blown away.
I'm not ashamed of my past, so let me just freely admit, I was a Backstreet Boy fan. When I was in high school I was sucked into the world of bubblegum pop, and it kept me interested, and I can still be caught dancing in my underwear to a number of those songs. All I remember is people constantly talked shit. They constantly had bad things to say about boy bands. But here's the things, that's exactly what Fall Out Boy is. These are guys that were too ugly to be in boy bands, so they learned to play instruments (thought not particularly well) and write annoyingly contrived songs that Max Martin could have written if anyone had ever asked him. Their stage show was remarkably familiar to me. Blowing confetti through the air at the end of the show, fire shooting up as a song finished dramatically, and Pete Wentz removing his shirt and (pretending) to remove his pants. (Keep it on Pete, we've all seen, and most of us didn't want to have sex for a good few years afterwards). It reminded me so much of the things that I saw as a teenager in fairly bigger arenas and with guys that may not have written every song or played instruments on stage, but could actually sing. We trade one talent for another and get the same thing. They even have choregraphy for fuck sake.
Here's the thing, if you want to be a star, learn to sing and be the lead vocalist. If you don't have any charisma at all, shut your mouth and play guitar in the background. It was ridiculous to me that Pete was the one encouraging the audience to sing along and clap, and Patrick just sat there like an idiot, singing his melody rather badly. Maybe I'm just having a hard time understanding the dynamic of this band. For a long time I thought Pete was the lead singer, until I saw a music video and realize that he wasn't.
I never thought I would be the old person bagging on what all the kids are listening to. Let's be honest, most people think my taste in music is crap. I think their taste in music is either a) crap or b) insanely predictable. ("I like the Beatles because that's what everyone else seems to like and idolize!") With Fall Out Boy, I couldn't help myself, everyone in the audience looked like everyone in an audience at a 'NSYNC show back when I was in high school. Only they were wearing all black, looked like they hadn't showered, and threw up the rock sign like they knew what rock and roll was.
They don't.
These guys can write a catchy song, I will definitely give them that, and Pete is famous for being an overdramatic blogger who has opinions on others opinions of him. There is a place for this music, I wouldn't have explored music further had I not had the Backstreet Boys. They were my stepping off point for things further down the line. So, by no means am I saying that people shouldn't like Fall Out Boy, what I'm saying is that I hope people see the similarities. They're the new teen dream. The bands that sound exactly like them are the same thing. This is not rock music by any means, and if you listen to it, you're not hardcore.
You're a teenybopper. If you find shame in that (as so many usually do) then maybe you should rethink your loyalty to the band. And please, PLEASE, don't throw the rock sign up at a show. I am in no way a rocker, so I don't do it, show the same respect.
And just for example sake:
Fall Out Boy
Backstreet Boys:
The Nobody
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