NBC Offers Paris Hilton One Million Dollars to Talk
I went to Nashville two weeks ago for the annual CMA Fest, I like country music, so sue me. While I was there I watched a lot of CNN while getting ready in the morning, and to my surprise, CNN was ONLY talking about how Paris Hilton had been let out of jail. They had minute by minute updates on whether the judge was going to order her to appear in court, they followed the police car from her house to the court house, and gladly waited outside to announce that Paris was being sent back. As an avid follower of pop culture, it would have been something that interested me, only I wasn't watching CNN to know what was going on with Paris Hilton. I was TRYING to keep up on the news, since I didn't have my usual internet access, and silly me thought CNN reported the news. Not Paris Hilton's every move.
The topic of Paris Hilton and her minions (Lindsay, Britney, and whoever else would like to be associated) was part of a lot of conversations I had that weekend, particularly with my mom, who was outraged that they even let her out in the first place. One of the things my mom was angry about, was that she'd have the chance to get out of jail and reports would be doing back flips to sit her down in a chair and get her experience on tape. Well, I didn't think that would be the case. I thought for sure people would be over it, it would blow over, and people would generally not care to hear Paris' account of jail on every news channel for lord knows how long. Then I read this article when I woke up this morning.
All I could think was "ONE MILLION DOLLARS?"
I sat on that thought for a while. Why would NBC shell out that much money to hear some whiny, spoiled rich girl complain about jail. Don't we all have a general idea of how jail is? Bad food, bad bedding, and even worse company. We could pull any plain jane on the the television to tell us how her experience in jail was, and we don't, but for some reason for Paris Hilton that changes?
I watch TV rarely, and when I do, I hold high expectations for what I'm watching. This is not something I will take time out of my day to sit on my couch and watch. Why? Because I don't care how Paris felt in jail. I don't care how horrendous of an experience it was. People go to jail all the time, I watch my step and obey the law, to avoid any jail going experience in my future. Paris didn't do that.
Not to mention she's done nothing but try and look like the victim, holding her head high as she faces her jail sentence. She's thrown every bullshit line she can out at the press, and I don't believe any of it. She's pissed off that people are making fun of her because she doesn't have control of what they're making fun of this time. Unfortunately, Paris will never NOT be made fun of. I will never take Paris seriously, even if she started pulling a Jolie and adopting babies from other countries (truth be told I still don't take Jolie all that seriously). I can't really understand why we want anything to do with this woman, why we want to hear about her story and allow her the chance to be the poor little rich girl being held down by THE MAN.
Maybe she has changed. Maybe she'll finally grow up and take some responsibility for the bullshit she's been blaming other people for. Maybe Lindsay and Britney will follow in her footsteps and they'll stop acting like 16 year old high school girls, desperate for attention and praise. But I doubt it. I think we'll get a couple months of more bible-toting, white dress wearing, spiritual book buying Hilton. Then she'll be back at the clubs drinking her life away and making sex tapes.
She says the media has been using her. Well, when you put yourself out there like that, sweetie, what do you expect? You've made a joke out of yourself and now you want to blame the media for it. Like it's their fault. We didn't force you to make a sex tape or do a really terrible reality show to showcase how ridiculously dumb and spoiled you are. You did that on your own. You dug your grave, Ms. Hilton. Now lie in it.
Now I'm off to the Foo Fighters secret show tonight. I will not be thinking of Hilton at all throughout this experience.
The Nobody
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